Things to consider if you feel a little stuck

1. The bigger your goals, the bigger your tolerance for discomfort needs to be. You need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable because achievements aren’t made without challenge.

2. It’s not about the speed, it’s about the direction. Don’t overestimate what you can achieve in a week but don’t underestimate what you can accomplish over the next twelve months.

3. The heaviest weight you’re carrying around right now is your unmade decisions. There is no perfect moment. Stop planning. Start doing.

4. You don’t need more time; you just need less distraction. Stop multitasking and learn to focus.

5. Stop competing with, and comparing yourself to, other people. It dampens your spirit and steals your energy, preventing you from moving forward. To get to where you want to be, it’s really just you versus you.

6. Don’t undervalue yourself. Our insecurities are often the result of letting the opinions of others become our own. The number one person to trust when you’re unsure of something is you.

7. Practice makes permanent. Whether you practice something good or bad it’s going to show up more and more, and eventually become a habit. Practice the good.

8. You’re not afraid of failing, you’re afraid of what people might think of you if you do. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will - you have to get it wrong sometimes to be able to get it right.

9. Do what makes you feel happy and alive in life and you’ll never have to worry about what could have been. Hard work is much more enjoyable when you love what you do.


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