Seven restful ways to avoid burnout
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It can affect anyone, from stressed-out careerists and celebrities to overworked employees and homemakers, and occurs when we feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained and unable to meet constant demands.
But sometimes, if you want to go a bit faster, you need to slow down:
1. Physical rest
Lack of sleep, overwork and overtraining deplete your body’s energy so make sure you prioritise physical rest:
Passive - get 7-8 hrs of sleep each night. Try to go to bed, and get up, at the same time every day to hep regulate your Circadian rhythm.
Active - stretch, get a massage, take a sauna or go for a slow walk in nature
2. Mental rest
Mental rest deficit is caused by overtaxing your thinking.
Write lists -daily to-do’s, shopping, packing
Practice gratitude
Create a shutdown ritual to separate work and home life
Take a break from your brain - try meditating
3. Social rest
Evaluate your relationships, with yourself and others.
Spend more time with people who give you energy
Spend less time with people who steal your energy
Block out some time to be on your own
4. Spiritual rest
Be part of something bigger than yourself.
Work a job that feels purpose driven
Participate in spiritual or faith-based activities which align to your belief system
5. Sensory rest
The modern individual is overstimulated
Take a break from social media - put your device into flight mode
Turn off your notifications (sounds and alerts)
Limit video meetings
Set relaxing ambience (soothing music or candles)
6. Emotional rest
Emotional rest deficit occurs when you feel like you can’t be authentic.
Spend time with people you can be yourself around, without judgement
Speak to a therapist
7. Creative rest
Appreciate beauty in any form, whether natural or human created.
Watch the sunrise or sunset
Practice forest bathing
Visit a museum or art gallery
Read, listen to music or watch a documentary